Lawrence once again left his home to sell ice cream on the road. He pedaled and pedaled for some time and saw a big house. It was the only house on that road. He approached its gate and rang his bell to call the attention of the people inside. Shortly, a man went out and immediately told him that he didn't want to buy ice cream and told him to leave immediately. The man then hurriedly closed the gate and left him. So Lawrence had no choice but to leave the place. He turned his ice cream cart and started pedaling away from the house. He bent his head to see what time it was from his wristwatch. But as he bent his head he saw something on the ground, something he thought he had already seen. It was a wallet. Hurriedly, he got off his cart and approached to pick it up. And just like what he thought it was Christine's wallet. He saw her picture on it after her opened it. Wondering a little how it landed there, he looked back at the house. He stared at it for a moment and decided to head to the